📅 LIVE: "Pathway to Autoimmune Recovery" Challenge [Monday 7/29 - Wednesday 7/31 @ 1 pm Mountain Time]
Pathway to Autoimmune Recovery
3-Day Challenge
Create the Belief Needed On Your Path of Recovery
Give me just 30 minutes a day...
And After 3 Days Together You Will Know How To

Live Symptom-Free 

The Challenge Starts In:
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
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Happening July 29th - 31st 2024
at 1 pm MDT/3 pm EDT Each Day

During this challenge we will be looking at:
  • Taking powerful small steps towards your self love and belief
  • Taking steps towards removing resistance and increasing your belief
  • Aligning with your power of positive emotions and ensuring they align
    with your desires.
  • ​Letting go of negative patterns, limiting beliefs, and unresolved emotions
    that are holding you back.

Pathway to Autoimmune Recovery Masterclass

During this Masterclass you will:
  • Create actionable steps of compassion to practice and create new healing habits not because you have too
  • View symptoms as teachers to determine your best next step to heal
  • Become aware of stress and how to lessen and overcome its damaging effects
  • ​Begin creating your own self love to heal
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